Forensic Audit

In an increasingly complex business landscape, complicated questions can arise. There is, however, a big difference between suspicion and facts. Finding the truth quickly is imperative. Gathering evidence that withstands scrutiny is essential.When issues arise, you need forensic accountants who can unravel the puzzle efficiently and document the evidence appropriately, so you can move forward with the necessary information.
Sometimes the people who are involved in decision making or people who are involved in handling the cash and bank may collude with other concerned employees and mis-utilize, mis-appropriate in favor of them or embezzle the cash or transfer funds to wrong account. These acts could be performed by the employees or external parties in small amounts but may be in higher number of transactions which may result in significant amount of loss to the organization.
Spectrum’s forensic accounting and investigative professionals have the skills and experience to resolve high-stakes issues from lower level staff to top level management.Our team’s experience covers a full range of areas, including:

Asset tracing, misappropriation, waste and embezzlement

Review of cash embezzlement by the staff and issuing the report that is acceptable by the regulatory authorities like police, courts or any other governing bodies

Financial fraud, including misrepresentation and financial statement fraud

Background investigations/due diligence

Computer forensics audits