VAT Voluntary Disclosure
VAT voluntary disclosure is a process for corrections of errors/omissions in VAT returns already filed.
Filing of voluntary disclosure forms
A voluntary disclosure should be made by a taxable person to notify the FTA of an error or omission in their tax return, tax assessment, or tax refund application.
As per UAE Tax Authority, voluntary disclosures are required to be made in the following cases:
Where a filed Tax Return or a Tax Assessment is incorrect resulting in a calculation of the Payable Tax being less than required i.e. an underpayment of tax due, in an amount of more than AED 10,000.
Where a filed Tax Return or a Tax Assessment is incorrect resulting in a calculation of the Payable Tax being less than required i.e. an underpayment of tax due, by not more than AED 10,000 and there is no Tax Return through which the error can be corrected.
Where a filed Tax Refund Application is incorrect, resulting in a calculation of a refund to which the Taxpayer is entitled being more than the correct amount, unless the error was a result of an incorrect Tax Return or Tax Assessment.