We are represented by our experienced Leadership team, subject matter expertise resources and qualified professionals from various domains and have been instrumental in scaling new heights every year since inception.

Audit & Assurance
Auditing service process involves a combination of highly efficient traditional and latest information technology tools which gives Spectrum Auditing an edge in producing highly accurate and efficient audit reports imprinting finer details …

Accounting & Bookkeeping
Accounting and bookkeeping can play a vital role in the development of an organization which can help in understanding the financial performance and financial position of the organization. The professional expertise…

Value Added Tax (VAT)
Value Added Tax (VAT) is one of the most common types of indirect tax applied in most of the countries. VAT is applicable to the majority of transactions in goods and services with an exemption for limited transactions………

Tax Agency
Spectrum Auditing, as a Tax Agency, can be appointed by any Taxable person (individual or a company) to represent him before the FTA and assist him in the fulfilment of his tax obligations and also exercise his associated tax rights.…

Economic Substance Regulations (ESR)
UAE Cabinet has introduced Economic Substance Regulations (ESR) and its executive regulations are applicable to all companies registered either in Mainland, or Free Zones in UAE which are licensed to perform certain activities…

Country by Country Reporting (CbCR)
Ministry of Finance (MOF) of The United Arab Emirates introduced Country-by-Country Reporting (CbCR Reporting) and requires the entities being tax resident in the UAE and is part of a multinational group to file notification…